Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Natural hair loss remedy, organin hair loss remedy,feline HAIR LOSs

Hair Loss has become a common condition, especially among young men and women; the real causes of hair loss is

still a mystery. Some research studies says that lack of iron, rough skin on the scalp,
There are few deficiencies for all different type of hairs.

Oily hair - Vitamin B deficiency
Dry hair - Essential fats deficiency
Dull hair and poor growth - Zinc deficiency
Hair loss - Vitamin C, vitamin B1, iron and lysine deficiency
Grey hair – Old age and has nolink to body health or nutrition

hair loss from parts of the head or whole head. In medical terms baldness is known as Alopecia. Both men and

women are affected with baldness at any stage of their lives

Below are some of the common causes of baldness -

• Aging
• Fluctuation in hormone level
• Hereditary factor
• Sever illness

You can improve the general health of your hair by using natural oil as a Natural hair loss remedy accessory. Oils such as

coconut oil, rosemary, West Indian bay and chamomile are some of the natural oils that are known to help in

hair growth.

Coconut oil is a triglyceride having a high affinity for hair proteins. Because of its low molecular weight and

straight linear chain, it is able to penetrate the hair shaft. This hair care oil lubricates and gives a smooth

feel to dry hair shafts. It also heals the structure of damaged hair and protects it from harmful UVA


The doctor takes into account the age, heath condition, family history, tolerance for certain medicines etc.

There is no treatment for baldness but hair replacement surgery can be done to fix some hair in the bald spot

on the head. This is a little painful process.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses bee pollen and ginkgo biloba to stimulate hair growth and increase blood circulation for root. Often hair follicles produce weak or no hair because of the lack of enough blood supply.Chinese medicines. Although if you used by external application, or of the Finasteride type, if used by oral administration.Aloe Vera is very effectively used for skin diseases. You can get shampoos which contain aloe Vera. Jojoba oil was used by Indians against problems with skin and hair.
